Our deep appreciation goes out to all our valued partners. Through your generosity, we improve our community for today and the future. Please support these generous businesses.

How Can I Help?
Schools Plus has had the support and participation of the business community from its inception. Santa Rosa businesses, law enforcement, and city government realize how important inter-scholastic sports and other after-school programs are to the overall vitality of the city.
Current data indicates that most juvenile crime occurs in the hours after school. Additionally, reports generated by the County of Sonoma indicate large numbers of “latch-key kids,” young people who spend many hours without any constructive, adult supervision. These situations detract from the overall quality of life of any city.

Schools Plus past-president, Tracy Weitzenberg, thanks Bill and Barry Friedman for 25+ years of supporting Santa Rosa’s students.
Schools Plus has worked for two decades to alleviate these problems by funding badly needed co-curricular activities and programs. But we need more support and we urge local businesses to join us in raising the money needed to ensure that all of our kids have healthy choices during the after-school hours.
Business leaders and others can get involved by calling Jason Lea at (707) 675-0099.

The Exchange Bank is a premiere example of corporate stewardship. They have been supporting Santa Rosa’s kids for a century. Schools Plus thanks Exchange Bank whole heartedly for their 28 years of support.