2020 Allocations
For 2020 Schools Plus is projected to provide more than $210,000 toward programs in Santa Rosa schools. Your help and donations have made this possible.
2019 Allocations
In 2019 we donated more than $189,000 to Santa Rosa High Schools and Middle Schools. All five Santa Rosa High Schools were provided with winter jackets, and several schools now have new wrestling matts.
2019 also marked the creation of the John Bribiescas Special Projects Grant in honor of his commitment to the development and continuing operation of Schools Plus.
2018 Allocations
For the twenty-eighth consecutive year Schools Plus has allocated $150,000 to Santa Rosa’s public secondary schools.
2017 Allocations
Our 2017 allocations total $150,000 to be distributed amongst the eleven SRCS secondary schools that Schools Plus has supported for twenty-seven years.
The five senior high schools will each receive $20,000 to be divided equally for athletics and The Arts. The five middle schools will each receive $8,300 for sports and The Arts. Ridgeway High will also receive $8,300.
Since 2010, the current Schools Plus board, with the generous support of the community, has raised $900,000 for Santa Rosa’s public school students.
2016 Allocations
Please enjoy the following photos of this year’s Puma Girls’ season
(photography by Michael Cox)
For 28 consecutive years, Schools Plus has raised funds for Santa Rosa’s public secondary schools. Our 2015 allocations of $232,000 included an extraordinary distribution of $50,000 to restore music programs in two of Santa Rosa’s Westside schools. Today Comstock Middle and Piner High Schools have music bands and music classes.
Our 2016 allocations of $230,000 also include a one-time allotment totaling $48,000 specifically for transportation costs and sports officiating fees. After querying the athletic directors of the eleven schools we support, we discovered that transportation fees have been taking huge bites out of athletic budgets, each year averaging over $5,000 per school just for buses.
A prime example of how such costs can mount up is the Maria Carrillo High School Girls’ Soccer Team. The Puma Girls have been perennially ranked as a top team nationwide. Each season the teams travel for preseason matches, league matches, and postseason play. The 2015-2016 team has once again won the league and North Coast Section championships. Such a winning schedule requires a lot of travel that adds up to thousands of dollars each season. Likewise, all of the games require paid officials, another big bite out of athletic budgets.
Over the course of two years, your donations have provided the Puma Girls $6,750 to help offset the costs of safe and reliable transportation. This one illustration provides an inside look at how Schools Plus assures that Santa Rosa’s students have the same opportunities of past generations.
Thanks to our generous donors and a supportive community, Schools Plus is able to help our schools deal with the “incidental” costs that every sports team faces.

Extraordinary amounts have been donated to the three west-side schools, Hilliard Comstock Middle School, Elsie Allen High School, and Piner High School. Your generosity enables students to participate in great programs that past generations took for granted.

Directors, Tracy Weitzenberg and Adam Lewis, are welcomed by L. Cook Middle School principal and students. Principal Patti Turner and her kids showed their appreciation as they received a Schools Plus check for $12,000.00. The funds, provided by our generous donors, will enable the coaches, art and music teachers the ability to maintain and upgrade their respective programs with materials and equipment that directly impacts their students.

Spring 2014: Schools Plus presents a total of $24,000 to Slater and Rincon Valley Middle Schools. Each school used Schools Plus allocations to purchase new uniforms for their respective track and cross country teams – an amount totaling more than $4,000. Thank You to the generous donors who support our community’s student-athletes.

Elsie Allen students love Schools Plus

Schools Plus has not missed an annual allocation to SRCS in 24 years.

Jill Peterson, gets a big hug from a Comstock Middle School student when she announced to the student body the 2014 allocation of $12,000.00 for athletics, music and art. Comstock is in the process of forming the school’s first ever band and Schools Plus money will help in a big way to purchase new instruments.

Thank You Schools Plus for the check presentation of $20,000 at our Elsie Allen High School Rally! Schools Plus board members Jill Peterson and Amy Chiurco were onsite to deliver the great news and big check!
Santa Rosa’s middle schools and high schools are comprised of a culturally and socio-economically diverse student population. This rich mixture creates a broad spectrum of needs.
Your Schools Plus donation dollars help by providing scholarships for participant fees, transportation fees, and tournament fees, as well as buying equipment and instruments for the various enrichment programs that depend on Schools Plus allocations each year.