We Saved Sports Since 1991 and We Can Do It Again This Year!
We appreciate the community’s help and support as we continue our efforts in 2018. Our schools’ athletic programs and The ARTS need continuous help to maintain and update these important programs. With your support, Schools Plus will continue to insist that all of our students have opportunities and experiences that will help them during a critical time in their lives.
To donate, safe & secure with any credit card or PayPal, please click donate below:
Or, as always, feel free to send a check payable to:
Schools Plus
PO Box 14714, Santa Rosa, CA 95402
Thank you for your support!
The 2014 Endowment Fund surpassed four million dollars,
subsequently allocating $180,000 to the operating board!
Why Donate
Simply put, our schools today are appropriately funding lower class size, including new and retrofitted facilities. As the state’s population grows, public education is under tremendous pressure to provide for more students even as discretionary schools budgets shrink.
Faced with painfully few alternatives, many school boards have reluctantly reduced all but the most basic educational programs. In Santa Rosa, as in many other places, co-curricular activities must fend for themselves. The primary focus of Schools Plus is to be a funding mechanism for school enrichment programs.
Donations of any size are welcome and appreciated. If you would like more information about our organization prior to making your donation,
please call or e-mail us.
Contributions to Schools Plus, a tax-exempt organization under
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, may be tax deductible.
Our Federal Tax I.D. Number is 68-0259129.

Community Involvement is Fun and Important. Working together, we will assure Santa Rosa is a good place to live and raise families.